On this day, Yukos was lying about absence of contract with American lobbyists

On this day, Yukos was lying about absence of contract with American lobbyists

“The company Yukos has not concluded any contracts with the firm BKSH & Associates and doesn’t plan to do it in the future. The website Prigovor.ru reminds its readers of what happened on June 11, 2004.

On this day, on June 11, 2004, enthusiastic news came from Washington that Yukos had hired out prominent American lobbyists. According to the American portal “Washington ProFile” that dealt with distribution of various news about the United States in Russian language, the Russian oil company Yukos ”has signed a contract with the well-known lobbyist company BKSH & Associates, with will represent Yukos interests in the United States.

In a statement of BKSH & Associates, it was said that the main task of the lobbyist would be “informing American political circles and the U.S. Administration about problems with which the Russian company comes across in and outside Russia.

“In the company BKSH and Associates work former high ranking officials of Congress and U.S. Administration”, it was pointed out in the news report. Obviously, for publicity purposes of the firm it was announced: “this lobbyist firm is headed by Charles Black, former senior adviser of two presidents – Ronald Regan and George H.W. Bush. Apart from that, Charles Black is considered to be one of the best strategists of the Republican Party. Yet, among employees of the firm, there are also prominent supporters of the Democratic Party. Apart from Washington, BKSH & Associates has offices in Berlin, Brussels and London. At the beginning of 2004, BKSH informed that it planned to open its office in Bagdad”.

After the destruction of Bagdad by the Americans, the only thing that left was to be proud of an office in that town.


“The oil company Yukos has not concluded any contracts with the firm BKSH & Associates and doesn’t plan to do so. Any information about such a contract doesn’t correspond to reality”, held in a rather bursting manner the press release of the “most transparent” and honest oil company.

Yukos habitually lied and manipulated in its statement. It lied saying that Yukos “has not concluded any contracts and doesn’t plan to do so”.

Nevertheless, a registration application form by BKSH & Associates for a possibility to lobby interests of the oil company Yukos was made and it was adopted on May 17, 2004. It was given a registration number – 6291-3488. The address of the client of the firm – Moscow, Dubininskaya Street, 31A, Oil Company Yukos.

This agreement was paid for, and it means that it was fulfilled. This is corroborated by another document of the mid-August 2004 – a statement of BKSH & Associates to the total amount of $115 000. The identification number in the U.S. Senate is the same – 6291-3488. Client Yukos Oil Company.

And the services were paid by a Dutch shell firm “Yukos International UK BV”. Obviously, it’s this company that registrars put into the database as a formal payer. And as a beneficiary of that lobbyist efforts was mentioned the oil company Yukos.

(See the article “Khodorkovsky's dirty money in the Netherlands”).


It’s worth explaining that “Yukos International UK BV” is an affiliate of the company “Stiching Administratiekantoor International”. This firm was headed by Bruce Misamore. Another savior of Yukos, Steven Theede, was explaining that “in Holland, in 2005, were created two trusts for the defense of Yukos assets abroad, with one of them guarantying court litigations, in particular in the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR)”, wrote the Russian newspaper “Vedomosti”. Yet, according to the materials of the investigation, in the spring 2005, to this shell-firm in the Netherlands was siphoned part of the assets of the companies under control of Khodorkovsky, and the purpose of this move was legalizing (laundering) of them.

Later, the already legalized monetary flows were used to pay for various “expert” and lobbyist services. Therefore, the services of the American lobbyists from “BKSH & Associates” were paid with the dirty money of Yukos Dutch firm.

(See also the previous article “On this day, Khodorkovsky and Lebedev were swallowing apatite dust”. The conclusions of the Meschansky District Court of Moscow “on swindling acts of Khodorkovsky M.B. and Lebedev P.L. during fraudulent acquisition of 20% of “Apatite” shares. The website Prigovor.ru reminds its reads of what happened on June 10, 2005).

*On May 20, 2022, the Russian Ministry of Justice included M.B. Khodorkovsky in the list of physical persons executing functions of a foreign agent.

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