The billionaire Nevzlin, a defendant of the “economical” case No 18/325501-04, evaded paying taxes to the total amount of 27,416,908 rubles. The website reminds its readers of what happened on January 15, 2004.
On this day, on January 15, 2004, Leonid Nevzlin turned out to be predictable. Having supported earlier by his proclamation Irina Khakamada, this "bloody humanitarian" started to exploit this woman in his own interests, as the preparations of the documents were over, and that made it possible to put Leonid Borisovich Nevzlin on the international wanted list.
The fugitive Nevzlin, certainly, got into a fuss, explaining the search with quite expected political phantasies. In the words of Nevzlin, “this happened in connection with my abrupt support of the oppositional right-wing candidate Irina Khakamada, and now, all the more so, I will support her full force. And, of course, the Prosecutor’s Office ended up empty-handed, as always. I am an approved-and-reapproved person, and, in contrast to ordinary taxpayers, as a member of the Federation Council, I have been proved according to their program, and there are no complaints, and there are papers which prove it”, weaseled out Nevzlin.
Khakamada agreed right away with the fugitive defendant. She said: “As soon as Leonid Nevzlin publicly made a statement about supporting me as a presidential candidate, a repressive machine started at once working against him”.
But she didn’t take into consideration that Nevzlin escaped from Russia as early as 2003, after a single interrogation in the Office of the Prosecutor General of Russia. This is first. Second, in the press, because of numerous hearsays about "the search of Nevzlin”, which had appeared earlier, a document emerged, in which were presented completely different circumstances of the "abrupt" support by Nevzlin of some candidates.
That was the ruling from 15.01.2004 on the international search of the accused Nevzlin L.B. with a brief covering letter from 16.01.2004 to the Russian Office of Interpol.
Obviously, Nevzlin expected such developments, and, to cover his criminal rears, he decided to “abruptly support” the stagy candidate Irina Khakamada. It’s worth noting that in this document the question was only about economical episodes of the convictions against Nevzlin. Masterminding of murders and attempted murders were brought against Nevzlin only later on, in July 2004, and all collected data for that purpose in court amounted to life imprisonment.
“The Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation
Bolshaya Dmitrovka Street, 15a
Moscow, Russia, GSP3, 125993
No 18/325501-04
To the deputy head of the Central National Bureau (NTsB)
of Interpol, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia,
police colonel Abramov A.P.
Esteemed Alexey Petrovich,
I am sending for fulfillment the Ruling from 15.01.2004 on the international search of the accused Nevzlin L.B.
Supplement: Ruling and materials – text on 31 pages.
Deputy head of the Department of Investigation of Major Crimes
Of the Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation
State Counsellor of Justice of 3d class (signature) M.A. Andreyev
A No 075676
Supplement 93
On search of the accused
Moscow, January 15, 2004.
Senior investigator on major crimes of the Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, State Counsellor of Justice 3d class Karimov S.K., having considered the materials of the criminal case No 18/325501-04
Nevzlin L.b. is accused of the following – in 1999-2000, he, working as a member of the Board of Directors of the JSC Oil Company Yukos and as the first deputy chairman of the Board of the JSC “Yukos-Moskva”, by way of committing illegal financial operations, assured funneling out of principal incomes of the controllable organizations to accounts of offshore companies in foreign banks. After that, Nevzlin, along with other managers of the JSC Oil Company Yukos, under the guise of remuneration for provided consulting services, started to receive pecuniary means from the accounts of the foreign company “Status Services Limited”, having concluded for that purpose a corresponding false contract for the provision of services.
In order to hide the source of incomes and to evade taxes and levies, in form of insurance contributions from incomes of a physical person in 1999-2000, Nevzlin fraudulently received in the Tax Inspection N4 of the Central Administrative District of the city of Moscow a patent, which provided him with the right for tax concessions and relegated him, as an entrepreneur, to the simplified system of taxation, bookkeeping and accounting exempting him from the duty to pay income tax as a physical person.
Then Nevzlin presented to the Tax Inspection an income declaration in which he had included knowingly false information and showed the income from the entrepreneurial activity– consulting on question of management of commercial activity for 1999 to the amount of 8 048 597 rubles, with the price of the patent being 250 rubles, and, as a physical person, he didn’t pay taxes and levies in the form of contribution to insurance funds to the tune of 2 855 122 rubles, with the price of the patent being 2004 rubles, and as a physical person didn’t pay income tax and levies in the form of contribution to insurance funds to the amount of 24 561 786 rubles.
Altogether, Nevzlin, following the results of 1999-2000, didn’t pay taxes and levies to the whole amount of 27 416 908.
By his actions, Nevzlin committed tax and levies evasion of a physical person on an especially large scale by way of including to the tax declarations knowingly false information, which is a crime under Article 198, paragraph 2, of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In connection with this, on January 12, 2004, a ruling was made with regard to him and involving him as a defendant under Article 198, paragraph 2, of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
Nevzlin L.B., at the place of registration: city of Moscow, Sivtsev Vrazhek Street, House XX, Apartment XX-XX, does not reside. On January 12. 2004, Nevzlin L.B. was put on federal and international (on the territory of Commonwealths of Independent States) wanted lists.
Levzlin left the territory of the Russian Federation on 30.07.2003, i.e. soon after the initiation of the criminal case No 18/41-03 into the fact of the fraudulent acquiring of shares of the JSC “Apatit” – after the arrest of Lebedev P.L., one of the managers of the JSC Oil Company Yukos, interrogation in a capacity of a witness of Khodorkovsky M.B. and the beginning of the active investigative actions into other episodes of the crimes committed by managers of this oil company.
In the course of the investigation, it was found out that Khodorkovsky, Lebedev, and Nevzlin under the guise of payment for consulting services received money from one and the same foreign company “Status Services Limited” and then committed actions of tax evasion which is a crime under Article 198, paragraph 2”.
(As reference. It is a case of one of the numerous offshore firms – "Status Service Limited", registered on the Isle of Man. It was created in November 1997 and had existed till October 2001. The firm is mentioned in materials of investigation and of court, for instance, in the case of Platon Lebedev and Mikhail Khodorkovsky, as well as Vassily Shakhvovsky. It was used as a firm through which “the main shareholders” of the company Yukos formalized fictitious agreements and received under them payments for certain “consultations”.
Agreements of providing “consulting services” with the offshore firm “Status Service Limited” in 1997-1999 were being concluded not only with Khodorkovsky, Lebedev, Shakhnovsky, but also with Mikhail Brudno, Leonid Nevzlin, and Viktor Kazakov. But in the course of the investigation they could not determine any clients of the “borehole consultants”, and the defendants of the case themselves could not intelligibly explain anything, strenuously assuring that “actually” such services had been provided, but to whom they categorically refused to say. Evidently, there were no clients at all in reality. Otherwise, lawyers could have found a way to present at least one. In fact, the billionaires from Yukos, as it is reflected in the verdicts, evaded taxes, practically, based on a single scheme).
For the purpose of escaping responsibility for committing crimes on the territory of Russia, Nevzlin L.B. undertook targeted actions, and in autumn 2003 became the citizenship of the state of Israel.
Nowadays he lives in this county, regularly visits Great Britain. There is no information about a possible return of Nevzlin L.B. to the Russian Federation. Having said that, the investigation has the data available that Nevzlin L.B., through his confidants, managers the JSC Oil Company Yukos, discusses the tactics of counteracting law enforcement agencies, investigating the criminal case against the managers of the JSC Oil Company Yukos, and through mass media he influences the public opinion regarding this case.
The actions of Nevzlin L.B. testify that he is hiding from the investigation and the court thus impeding the preliminary inquiry of the criminal case.
Based on the foregoing, and guided by Article 210, paragraphs one and two of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation,
The senior major case investigator
S.K. Karimov (signature)”, cites the document the website
(See also the previous article “Ob this day, Leonid Nevzlin covered himself with Irina Khakamada”. Leonid Nevzlin, a serial paymaster of murders, came out intending to support Irina Khakamada in the 2004 presidential election in Russia. The website reminds its readers of what happened on January 14, 2004.