On this day, the press was evicting Inna Khodorkovskaya from a house in the community Zhukovka

On this day, the press was evicting Inna Khodorkovskaya from a house in the community Zhukovka

Wetwork man Alexey Pichugin sent a good-buy letter to the escaped Leonid Nevzlin. False sensation with eviction of madam Khodorkovskaya. The website Prigovor.ru reminds its readers of what happened on July 31, 2003 and 2006.

On this day, on July 31, 2003, Alexey Pichugin, incarcerated employee of the Security service of the oil company NK Yukos, reported through his lawyers that he had sent an official petition to the Office of the Prosecutor General of Russia in which he informed that “in case the investigation receives any his confessionary statements or data in absence of representatives of the defense, all these statements should be seen as self-denunciation”.

(See also the article “On this day, the organizer of murders Alexey Pichugin turned 60”).

His lawyer Tatyana Akimtseva explained that her client had done so after the Office the Prosecutor General of Russia had initiated carrying out a medical inspection which had not found in Pichugin’s body any traces of injections or of using “psychotropic substances”. The lawyer, counting on the credulous press and its audience, narrated about the “senseless inspection”, as two weeks passed and no traces of such substances had been left.

Such “line of defense” from far away smacked of suspicious actions of lawyers who, evidently, didn’t count on a speedy medicine inspection which would have definitely spotted “traces of injections”.

But there were no traces at all. “The conclusions of the inspection show that no bodily damages or its traces (including from injections) were found on the body of Pichugin”, pointed out representatives of the Office of the Prosecutor General.

After that, the defense, having understood it was on the brink of failure, declared “senseless’ the inspection on which had insisted “pocket” deputies of Yukos. By contrast, it found “logical” the statement that Pichugin had sent to the Office of the Prosecutor General.

On consideration, Pichugin said, approximately, the following: as during the medical inspection and carrying out the examination no traces of jabs or use of psychotropic substances were found, I ask to regard any my confessionary statements as self-denunciation. Thereat, Pichugin, expressing his distrust of the Office of the Prosecutor General of Russia, sends his statement … to the Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation.

It’s worth noting that all this information noise coincided with the fleeing from Russia of the ordering customer of murders Leonid Nevzlin, who left Moscow on July 30, 2003. It’s at the behest of Nevzlin that Pichugin organized a whole series of contract murders and attempted murders. And Pichugin’s words about “self-denunciation” which were voiced by lawyers, looked more like a farewell massage to the escaped accomplice delivered in such a peculiar way.

Not less dubious stories around Pichugin emerged also lately, with participation of his defense counsels, but the press demonstrated an amazing credulity towards sources of “scoops”.

(See also the article "How the request for a meeting with Pichugin was turned "into an interrogation")


On the same day, on July 31, 2006, the Office of the Prosecutor General of Russia confirmed the arrest of property belonging to swindlers from Yukos in the elite community Zhukovky situated in the Moscow Region. The question was about a conservatory attachment of the immovable in the cooperative of individual builders “The Apple Orchard”. This cooperative in Zhukovka had been created back then by following persons: Mikhail Khodorkovsky*, Vladimir Moiseyev, Leonid Nevzlin, Platon Lebedev, Vasily Shakhnovsky, Mikhail Brudno and Vladimir Dubov.

(See the investigative article of Alexey Chelnokov “Paradise not lost for Khodorkovsky and Nevzlin”).

A decree on seizure of immovable property in the community Zhukovka was issued within the framework of the criminal case No 18/325543-04 as early as on May 16, 2006.

For reference: The criminal case No 18/325543-04 was filed on August 30, 2004 on account of crimes under Article 199, paragraph 2, subparagraphs “a”, “b”, of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation against Irina Golub, the general director of the OJSC “Yukos-FBTs”. The OJSC “Yukos-FBTs” is a finance-bookkeeping center of the oil corporation through which had passed all finance statements of enterprises and dump-firms connected with Yukos. Through this entity was organized hiring of personnel for shell-firms, and people were invited “to work in Yukos” with a perspective of criminal persecution for complicity in tax machinations of the “major shareholders”. According to the investigation, during 2000-2003, Golub as part of the organized criminal group, hid from Tax agencies 76 billion rubles. Acting on previous concert, members of this group evaded paying taxes by way of including “knowingly false data’ in tax statements of Yukos affiliates.

This question emerged in the press at the behest of Inna Khodorkovskaya, the spouse of the swindler Khodorkovsky. On July 30, 2006, she narrated that in May 2006, a seizure had been imposed on the territory of the Moscow Region’s community “The Apple Orchard”, where lived families of the former leaders of the company Yukos.

A conclusion of the compassionate press followed immediately – “Khodorkovsky’s family is being evicted”!

Such tricks media outlets supporting Yukos pulled off as early as in May 2006, when “it was prohibited to the leadership of the company to conduct any transactions with the land or immovable property of the lyceum “Podmoskovny” in the community Koralovo. Then, inveterate activists started to cry about “evicting kids from the boarding school and falsely shed tears about the “last graduation ceremony”. Naturally, they lied. In the story about the “eviction of the family of the disgraced entrepreneur” everything repeated itself. The “eviction” turned out to be a manipulation.

(See also the article “On this day, swindlers from Yukos sang an orphan song”).

“The arrest of the property was conducted by the court in aid of execution of the claim within the framework of the criminal case under investigation. But this doesn’t mean that the family of Khodorkovsky will be evicted from its house in Zhukovka, as an arrest means only banning of any deals with immovable property, including selling or pawning it”, explained a statement of the Office of the Prosecutor General of Russia. If the emotional outbursts can be explained by unpleasant changes and arrest of the swindler-husband, the conclusions of the press exculpating the tax criminals, are explained by manipulations and “not disinterested publications”.


In January 2006, when it was time to settle the “joint obligations” to the amount of 17 billion rubles, lawyers started to tell that Khodorkovsky “has nothing at all” and “he is being deprived of what is left”.

(See also the investigative article “British luxury of Khodorkovsky”).

Still, using “what was left”, the swindler Khodorkovsky, right after the pardon and getting out of jail, acquired a house in Switzerland for 2.2 million euros, and then another one in London. Not to mention that the co-operative “The Apple Orchard” still feeds the escaped from Russia criminals”, notes the website Prigovor.ru.

(See the previous article “On this day, the ordering customer of murders Leonid Nevzlin fled to Israel”. “Nevzlin L.B. left the territory of the Russian Federation on 30.07.2003, soon after a case was filed against him over the fact of fraudulent acquisition of shares of the OJSC “Apatit”. The website Prigovor.ru reminds its readers of what happened on July 30, 2003).

*On May 20, 2022, the Russian Ministry of Justice included M.B. Khodorkovsky in the list of physical persons executing functions of a foreign agent.

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